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Home Sleep Test

Elifce Medical Health Services carries out the test for the detection of sleep diseases with serious negative effects on health and quality of life at the patients' home.
The sleep test is the recording and evaluation of all night sleep according to various parameters in order to make the diagnosis of many sleep diseases and accordingly to make accurate and effective treatment planning.
A home sleep test is carried out in an environment in which the patient is accustomed to sleep, feels comfortable and can perform his / her activities before bedtime.
In the home sleep test, the electrodes and sensors connected to certain parts of the body record the sleep stages, cycle, sleep mobility and body functions. The data obtained are evaluated by our specialist doctor and diagnosed.
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Home Sleep Test

Polysomnography; It is the name of the patient who is used in the diagnosis of sleep disorders such as snoring, sleep apnea, periodic leg movements during sleep and night sleep, by measuring the brain waves, eye movements, respiratory activities, oxygen percentage in the blood and muscle activity for at least 6-8 hours.


Home Sleep Test

A total of 1000 pages of data are recorded overnight during the sleep test. In order to make a diagnosis, these data will be reviewed and interpreted by Neurology Specialist Physician. The patient counselor will contact you as soon as possible and let you know that your report is ready.



Sleep Apnea Test

Sleep apnea test is the most important step in the process of diagnosis and treatment of the disease. A sleep apnea test called "polysomnography" is a test that records brain activity and respiratory events throughout the night.

  Polysomnography, a sleep apnea test, is based on the measurement of brain waves during sleep, eye movements, airflow in the mouth and mouth, snoring, heart rate, leg movements and oxygen levels. Patients need to stay in a sleeping room overnight in order to be able to do the sleep apnea test. During the test, the signals received by the cables connected to the various points of the body are transferred to the computer outside the room. By examining these records taken until the Sabah, many parameters such as how many times breathing stops during sleep, how long it stops, how long it takes to stop breathing, how oxygen values and heart rate are affected, and whether or not the patient suffers deep sleep.


Sleep Respiratory Remission

Sleep Respiratory Disease (Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome)

Recurrent respiratory disorders (apnea, apnea, hypopnea: hypopnea) develop as a result of obstruction of the throat during sleep.
It causes sleep interruption due to the complete interruption of breathing or a considerable decrease in sleep during sleep, and causes a decrease in the proportion of oxygen in the body. Breathing ends with waking, breathing starts again. When alertness occurs in the nervous system, the effect of the relevant nervous system on the heart and vessels causes the blood pressure to rise. Degradation of sleep affects metabolism and sexual functions. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is therefore an important health problem that affects many body systems.
Patients often disgrace in a noisy way, have not received their morning sleep, wake up unrestrained. With the cause of insomnia, disturbances in mental ability and sleepiness during the day can develop.
Excessive weight, causes in the throat tightness, alcohol intake in the evening, some drugs aggravate respiratory arrest in sleep. The use of non-prescription medicines can be detrimental to the use of medicines related to sleep without knowing the underlying problem.
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is diagnosed in the sleep laboratory for sleep and respiratory changes. It is also necessary to work in sleep laboratories to regulate treatment in patients who will undergo pressure therapy
The prospect of community health can be summarized in three main sections:

Sleep disordered breathing is a common condition in the community: The most common cause of excessive sleepiness is known as sleep apnea syndrome (obstructive sleep apnea syndrome). It has been shown in studies that obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is present in 4% of men and 2% of women in adulthood. Up to 3% of cases have been reported in studies conducted in children. However, very few of the patients are diagnosed. It is estimated that only 1/10 of the patients can be diagnosed in USA where sleep laboratories are common.
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome leads to major health problems (illness and death). Clinical consequences such as sleep disturbance, decreased oxygen, increased hypertension in patients with sympathetic nervous system hypertension, respiratory and cardiac insufficiency, stroke, impaired cardiac rhythm, and overweight (obesity) may develop. Insomnia can lead to accidents in people who use vehicles that require careful attention. Patients' compliance with their surroundings may deteriorate, job performance and quality of life may decrease. Studies have shown that the life expectancy of patients with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome is reduced compared to the non-ill persons due to the mentioned disease outcomes and the expectation of life expectancy by treatment can be increased. Increased cardiovascular disease in these patients may result in fatal outcomes. This suggests the importance of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in terms of community health.
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a treatable disease. In obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, efficacy has been shown for today, it is a pressure therapy applied through mask in the form of treatment. The purpose of the treatment is to keep the upper airway, which has increased tendency to close during sleep, by giving positive pressure from the outside. Surgical treatment may be appropriate for patients with moderate disease who are not overweight and have anatomic stenosis in the upper airway. The other treatment that can be selected in these patients is oral devices (oral appliance). It can be said that treatment can reduce or eliminate the negative consequences of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
In summary, obstructive sleep apnea is an important public health problem threatening the quality and duration of the hypopnea syndrome. It needs to be recognized and treated appropriately in terms of patient and community health. Diagnosis and treatment are possible when referring to health centers, sleep laboratories related to the subject.


Types of Sleep Apnea

There are three main types of sleep apnea:

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Central Sleep Apnea (CSA)
Mixed sleep apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea. The diagnosis of sleep apnea is 84%.
Obstructive sleep apnea; It is in the upper respiratory tract and is caused by a blockage in the nose and throat that stops air flow to the lungs.

Why the upper respiratory tract may be blocked:

During sleep, the muscles relax and the airway stops and the airway stops.
Airway constriction thickness around neck.
Inflammatory tonsils or other transient causes.
Structural causes such as nose, neck, or chin.

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA)

Rare Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) may arise from some medications used in pain treatment such as opioids, heart failure, severe injuries and operations. And also;

Viral brain infection
It may occur in chronic respiratory disorders.
Although Central Respiratory Apnea is open in the Central Sleep Apnea, as a result of the absence of breathing effort, it is the breathing of the lungs that can not reach the air.
Central Sleep Apnea is usually confused with snoring and it is therefore difficult to notice.

Investigations 4 Patients with Central Sleep Apnea were found to have heart failure.

CSA is also associated with Cheyne-Stokes Respiratory (CSR), which occurs in heart failure.

CSR is a cycle of breathing, deep, sometimes rapid breathing.

Central Sleep Apnea and Cheyne-Stokes heart failure are 30-50% undetermined and are known as CSA-CSR.

Mixed Sleep Apnea
This mixture of CSA and OSA is an obtuse.
Your doctor can help you further if needed.

If you are worried about your sleep apnea, consult your doctor.

Opioid = Chemical substances that act like morphine in the body. Its main use is analgesia. These agents act by binding to opioid receptors in the central nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract.




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