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Auto CPAP devices are suitable for your sleep apnea and other ailments with the possibility of quiet and easy transportation and with the possibility of having your doctor's discretion to arrange for your discomforts with the appropriate equipment and masks and with SGK's contracted economical price. devices.


BPAP Cihaz

Opportunity to pay the price with economical installment by contracting with our respiratory, sleeping, apneic, oxygen people with our convenient devices and masks for your discomforts which are diagnosed by the doctor with easy transportation with BPAP SGK & OML; .



The most important and most important criterion in mask selection is the type of mask the doctor recommends. For effective treatment, you should choose the mask type recommended by your physician. There are several different mask types available. These are: Nasal Mask Nose Padded Mask Ora-Nasal Mask Oral Mask All Facial Mask Nasal Cannula


Home Sleep Test

Elifce Medical Health Services carries out the test for the detection of sleep diseases with serious negative effects on health and quality of life at the patients' home.
The sleep test is the recording and evaluation of all night sleep according to various parameters in order to make the diagnosis of many sleep diseases and accordingly to make accurate and effective treatment planning.
A home sleep test is carried out in an environment in which the patient is accustomed to sleep, feels comfortable and can perform his / her activities before bedtime.
In the home sleep test, the electrodes and sensors connected to certain parts of the body record the sleep stages, cycle, sleep mobility and body functions. The data obtained are evaluated by our specialist doctor and diagnosed.
Please click here to fill out the Sleep Diseases Information Form




The respiratory device, also called the ventilator, is used in the treatment of chronic respiratory insufficiency. Long-term mechanical ventilation at home is very important in the treatment of respiratory insufficiency. Breathing apparatus is widely used, especially in terms of chest wall and neuromuscular diseases. Two types of respiratory support are given to the patient through the ventilator used in ALS patients.

Non-invasive mechanical ventilation: Use of a respiratory support device only with the aid of a mask without opening the hole in the patient's respiratory tract

Invasive mechanical ventilation: The use of a breathing apparatus that will provide respiratory support by opening a hole in the respiratory tract, ie tracheostomy, by means of a cannula placed in the hole

Determination of home-type invasive mechanical ventilation device

The MV parameters for the patient's respiratory system must be determined
The power source of the breathing apparatus should be explained.
The desired alarm and warning systems in the respiratory device should be determined and the alarm limits should be set in the most appropriate way. In other words, systems such as power cut, oxygen deficiency, high pressure, battery power, charge level should be in the desired form if the patient leaves the device.
A spare ventilator should be provided with the breathing apparatus and it should be possible to use the spare breathing apparatus as soon as the problem is solved.
Patients should be tested for at least 48 hours with this respiratory device in the hospital or intensive care unit, as the type and parameters of the respiratory device that will be appropriate for the patient are determined by a specialist neurologist or chest physician in this area.

In this process, it is possible for the device to be suitable for the patient and for the patient to adapt to the device. Although the parameters detected in patients are applied, sometimes problems may arise in different respiratory devices. For this reason, more than one breathing apparatus may need to be tested. In cases where respiratory support at home is to be applied, the family doctor and the nurse who follows the patient can make a more successful application.


What to know about respiratory devices

Cpap and BiPAP are respiratory devices used in patients with respiratory problems.

BIPAP (Bilevel positive airway pressure)

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)

These two devices are used for external breathing assistance. Respiratory devices can be used not only for ALS, but also for many respiratory problems such as chronic lung disease, sleep apnea. Here, the target is to provide mechanical respiratory support for patients who can not get enough oxygen due to respiration. For ALS patients, a respiratory device, usually of the BIPAP type, is used. This is caused by the fact that these patients lose their ability to breathe spontaneously, especially in the night. The BIPAP breathing apparatus automatically switches on in this case, providing the patient with breathing needs. By responding to the respiratory reflex, they help the patient. These features are referred to as BIPAP S / T devices. They have an automatic respiratory system.

Artificial respiration ie mechanical ventilation can be done in 2 ways;

Non-invasive ie masked

Invasive, that is, breathing is made with a larynx attached to the tube. This is done by opening a hole in the patient's throat with a small surgical procedure.

A specialist doctor can decide which method will be applied to the patients. If there is a delegation report, respiratory devices may be covered by the social security institution. However, after the treatment, the devices must be returned to the institution.


Respiratory Disorders in Sleep

The most common symptom in this group of diseases is Sleep Respiratory Disease (Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome). The most common symptom is snoring. Snoring occurs during sleep with noisy breathing. This is due to the narrowing of the throat during sleep, which disturbs those who share the same bed with the person who snores according to their degree of discomfort, those who stay in the same house, even the neighbors. Excessive weight, alcohol intake, fatigue and insomnia also increase snoring, except for the causes of narrowness in the throat such as tonsils, small tongue and palate. Although it does not cause any problem for the person who snores, the partner who hears the snoring frequently and can not sleep comfortably for this reason comes in front of the family doctor, friend's warning doctor. Research has shown that snoring increases with age, middle age and nearly half of the population snore. When the narrowing of the throat, which plays a role in the snore, becomes more apparent, it leads to the complete closure of the airway, the cutting of the breath (apnea). It is called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (sleep obstructive sleep apnea syndrome), which is frequently repeated during sleep, when breathing between noisy snoring, and therefore snoring, lasts for a long time (over 10 seconds) and then continues again with breathing and noisy snoring.


What causes sleep insomnia?


Insomnia tendency: Some people have more insomnia than other people in stressful periods. Others respond to stress by headache or stomach pain. Knowing that the person is prone to insomnia and that it will not last too long is useful when you deal with it when you develop insomnia.
Persistent stress: Family problems can be attributed to a child with a serious illness or to an unsatisfactory job sleeping problem. Learning to deal with stress helps to treat your sleeplessness.


Reminders: Caffeine keeps people awake. Even if you drink coffee at night and do not block your sleep, your sleep will be less relaxing. Nicotine keeps people awake, smokers fall asleep for longer than gore drinkers. Many drugs contain stimulants. These drugs include weight loss and allergy and asthma medications. Some cold medicines also contain stimulants.
Alcohol: You may think that a glass of wine before bedtime helps you sleep. Alcohol, however, causes you to wake up briefly in the sleep all night long, as well as providing you with a quick night sleep.
Working hours: If you are working on a shift, you are more likely to have a sleeping problem. This includes people whose working hours are constantly changing. It also includes employees at night or early in the morning. Even on weekends it is important to keep the same program constant. This helps to schedule your body to sleep at certain times and to remain awake at other times. Wake up every morning at the same time is a way to stabilize your sleeping pattern. It is important to have a routine.
Exercise: You may think that resting and a calm lifestyle prevents you from sleeping. In fact, people who do little or no exercise experience the difficulty of falling asleep at night. Regular exercise allows people to sleep better. The best time to exercise is after lunch. Do not exercise close to bedtime. Leave at least two hours between bedtime and slowing heart rate after exercise.
Sleeping pills: Sleeping pills should be used to control your doctor. Some sleeping pills, if used every day, become useless after a few weeks. On the other hand, if you stop using it suddenly, your sleep will get worse for a while. This problem can be reduced by slowing down the sleeping pills.


Sound: Keep the bedroom as quiet as possible. Nearby traffic, airplanes, television and other sounds can wake your sleep without causing you to wake up.
Light: Use a canopy or thick curtains to keep the bedroom dark. The light reaches your eyes even if your eyes are closed. Light can dissipate your sleep.
If you feel tired at night if you think that you are going all night without interruption, all these factors should be watched.

If you are sleeping longer than a month, and if your daily function is disrupted, it is time to seek help. Ask your doctor and talk to a sleeping specialist. Your medical history, physical examination, and some blood tests are useful in establishing some of the causes of insomnia. Your bed partner and other family members may have valuable information about your sleep. Ask them whether you have snored or not snored or if you have been restlessly sleeping. Your health care professional will also want to know whether sleeplessness makes you sleepy or depressed during the day, or whether it affects your other forms of life.
Sometimes insomnia can only be improved by providing information and training. Some people naturally sleep less than others. Everyone needs to sleep for eight hours. Counseling can help with insomnia related to poor sleep accomodation. In other cases, evaluation may be recommended at the center of drugs or a sleep disorder.
If you are told that you need to be assessed at the center of a sleep disorder, you may be asked to sleep for one or two weeks and to keep a sleep log showing your awake periods.

Can sleeping pills help?
Sleeping pills are not curable for insomnia. Sleeping pills can sometimes mask or reverse problems caused by other diseases. For example, sleeping pills affect sleep-related respiratory distress in the worst way. Insomnia should be recognized correctly and treatment options should be discussed with a sleep specialist before the drug is started.
Many sleeping pills are available, including some without prescription. Different types of medicines have some advantages and disadvantages. For example, some are 'short-acting' and are best suited to situations where sleeping is difficult. Others are 'long-acting' and provide sleep all night. Talk to a sleep specialist to determine which is the best medicine for you.


Types of Sleep Apnea

There are three main types of sleep apnea:

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Central Sleep Apnea (CSA)
Mixed sleep apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea. The diagnosis of sleep apnea is 84%.
Obstructive sleep apnea; It is in the upper respiratory tract and is caused by a blockage in the nose and throat that stops air flow to the lungs.

Why the upper respiratory tract may be blocked:

During sleep, the muscles relax and the airway stops and the airway stops.
Airway constriction thickness around neck.
Inflammatory tonsils or other transient causes.
Structural causes such as nose, neck, or chin.

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA)

Rare Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) may arise from some medications used in pain treatment such as opioids, heart failure, severe injuries and operations. And also;

Viral brain infection
It may occur in chronic respiratory disorders.
Although Central Respiratory Apnea is open in the Central Sleep Apnea, as a result of the absence of breathing effort, it is the breathing of the lungs that can not reach the air.
Central Sleep Apnea is usually confused with snoring and it is therefore difficult to notice.

Investigations 4 Patients with Central Sleep Apnea were found to have heart failure.

CSA is also associated with Cheyne-Stokes Respiratory (CSR), which occurs in heart failure.

CSR is a cycle of breathing, deep, sometimes rapid breathing.

Central Sleep Apnea and Cheyne-Stokes heart failure are 30-50% undetermined and are known as CSA-CSR.

Mixed Sleep Apnea
This mixture of CSA and OSA is an obtuse.
Your doctor can help you further if needed.

If you are worried about your sleep apnea, consult your doctor.

Opioid = Chemical substances that act like morphine in the body. Its main use is analgesia. These agents act by binding to opioid receptors in the central nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract.


How is the sleep test done?

Sleep test, or polysomnography, brainwave during the night's sleep, eye movements, respiratory activities, the amount of oxygen in the blood and muscle activity are examined by measuring.


  • The patient who is going to undergo a sleep test will go to the sleep center recommended by the doctor and prepare for the test. It is recommended that the patient take a shower to ensure that the electrodes to be glued to the patient are better adhered to in the sleep test.
  • On the day of sleep test, it should not be taken alcohol, should not sleep during daytime, so as to disturb sleep quality of tea and so on. drinks should not be consumed and sleeping drugs should not be taken.
  • The patient who comes to the sleep center is taken to the room where the test will be done after resting for a while. Then the patient puts on his own clothes. The sleep technician begins to connect the electrodes after explaining the procedures to be applied to the patient.
  • The electrodes are adhered to the scalp, behind the ear, close to both eyes, the jaw and the chest. In order to measure the amount of oxygen in the blood, the nose is attached to the nose to examine the fingertips, snoring and breathing.
  • Then all of these electrodes and sensors are connected to a device. At this stage, it is recommended for male patients to come to the sleep center where the test will be performed by shaving.
  • After the sensors and electrodes are connected to the device, the technician is drawn into the monitoring room and starts to monitor the signals from the electrodes and sensors on the computer.
  • In addition, the patient's image is also recorded with a camera in the bedroom.
  • The results are given to the patient by analyzing the computer taken all night.


What is Oxygen Concentrator?

What is Oxygen Concentrator and What Does It Do?
The oxygen concentrator (sometimes known as the "oxygen generator") is a medical device used to deliver oxygen to those in need of oxygen. If people have a condition in their blood that causes low oxygen levels or gives results, they may need it. Oxygen concentrators are normally obtained by prescribing on doctor's advice. Oxygen concentrators (concentrators) are powered by plugging them into an electrical outlet or battery. If the concentrator is powered by an electric battery, it must be plugged into a wall outlet and charged. Several parts form a compressor, including a compressor, screen filter and circuit boards.
An oxygen concentrator has a compression apparatus, but it should not be mixed with compressed oxygen or an oxygen tank. Although a tank has a certain amount of oxygen dispensed, a condenser is filtered in the air, compressed, and continuously releases air. The air supply never ends. Instead of re-filling compressed air, the condenser needs only power.

How Oxygen Concentrator Works?
An oxygen concentrator works like a window air conditioning unit: it takes the air outside, replaces it, filters it and presents it as oxygen in a new form. An oxygen concentrator takes air and makes it used by people who require medical oxygen due to the low level of oxygen in their blood.
How to Use Medical Oxygen Safely
What is Oxygen Tank?
Oxygen tanks are a type of storage system that holds oxygen or liquid oxygen in a pressure vessel. The size and appearance of an oxygen tank can vary depending on where it is used and the mobility requirements.
Using Oxygen Tubes in Medical Therapy
Oxygen therapy requires the term used to describe the oxygen prescribed by doctors, a medical oxygen cylinder, and a suitable respirator. Doctors use oxygen therapy in emergency departments, during surgery, and for long-term patients who require oxygen for a medical condition.
Long-term oxygen therapy may be required for the following medical conditions:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Pulmonary Hypertension
Congestive Heart Failure
Cystic fibrosis
Lung cancer
Alpha 1
Oxygen Delivery
Taking oxygen from the oxygen cylinder to the individual usually requires a mask or nasal cannula. The mask and nasal cannula are usually attached to the tank through a hose. Then a mask is placed on a person's face over the mouth and nose. The nasal cannula is placed directly into the nostrils.
Although oxygen cylinders are containers containing pressurized oxygen, they are used in a variety of different environments and situations. The proper use and dimensions of the medical oxygen cylinder will vary depending on the size of the tube that the doctor determines is the most suitable.
Safety of the Medical Oxygen Tube
Many patients who use home and portable oxygen tanks are curious about the safety of storing tanks. When care is taken in handling and storing tanks, fire and other hazards are minimized.

History of the Oxygen Concentrator
Have you ever wondered the history of the oxygen concentrator from the past? While the use of oxygen for medical purposes has continued since the 1800s, the use of modern oxygen concentrator technology is quite new. It is interesting to see that today's oxygen stores are delivering oxygen to the patients by absorbing oxygen in the air that surrounds the oxygen that physically stores oxygen with today's oxygen concentrators.
Oxygen was first discovered in 1772 by a Swedish chemist, Carl Wilhelm Scheele. However, a British researcher, Joseph Priestley, independently found oxygen in 1774 and published his findings three years before Scheele was published.
It was first noted that oxygen use was made on 6 March 1885 by Dr. George Holtzapple, who used oxygen for the treatment of pneumonia in York, PA. Then, in the early periods of 1887, a woman used oxygen from a device that stored enough oxygen.




Quality Service for Private and Institutional Patients with Automatic CPAP Portable Oxygen Concentrator


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