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Care of Sleep Devices

We are at your service with our experienced personnel in the maintenance and repair of all respiratory devices.

Each CPAP device has an expected life span of up to five years. Some users will see that their devices are working much longer for a longer period of time. The key point here is that cleaning and maintenance are done properly.
Each brand CPAP device has one or more filters that must be changed at regular intervals. The expected life of each filter type may vary, but generally single-use (or paper) filters should be replaced once a month, and non-disposable filters should be replaced every 3-6 months.
Non-disposable filters are generally made of some kind of foam and these filters can be re-used after being cleaned with water and thoroughly dried. Washing these filters will increase the service life, but they must be replaced at least every six months.
CPAP devices do not need to be cleaned, but it is recommended to wipe with a slightly damp cloth to remove dust. Do not forget to check the air inlet to the device against dust accumulation.
Never immerse the appliance in water.
Protect your device from direct sunlight.

Moisturizing Cleansing

Humidifiers may be integrated into the CPAP device or may be separate. No matter what type of humidifier, there is a part of the humidifier that requires proper maintenance and cleaning.
In order to use your humidifier in the most healthy way, carefully follow the instructions for use and always use clean carboy water. Minerals and chemicals in the tap water can damage the humidifier water tank.
Regular cleaning of the humidifier water tank is a must. After each use, drain the water, clean with a mild soap and water mixture and rinse thoroughly.
It is useful to disinfect the humidifier water tank every two weeks. For this purpose, immerse in a 1/5 vinegar / water mixture and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly and dry. If your humidifier is indicated for use in the dishwasher in the operating instructions, you can also do so in accordance with the instructions.
The humidifier water reservoirs also have a certain useful life, which is usually no more than six months. Check the manufacturer's instructions for this.

RECOMMENDATION: When you are sick, cleaning your mask, hose, humidifier and filters every day as long as your cold, flu or viral symptoms persist, will help your disease not to grow longer.


Home Sleep Test

The sleep test is used to assess sleep apnea findings and to diagnose sleep disorders. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by a period of time during which the breathing stops for a while and continues again. Symptoms of sleep apnea;

  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Voice and continuous snoring
  • Breathing periods during breathing and breathing hunger
  • Resting sleep

The sleep test is also used to diagnose other sleep disorders.

  • Narcolepsy (daytime, deep sleep attacks)
  • Fainting with sleep (seizure)
  • Restless Legs Syndrome
  • Chronic insomnia (difficulty falling asleep)
  • REM sleep behavior disorders (sleepwalker)

The national heart, lung and blood institute warns that untreated sleep disorders increase the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure and stroke.



Sleep Apnea Symptoms

The most important symptom of sleep apnea is breathlessness in sleep. Other sleep apnea indications can be listed as follows:

Restlessness during sleep
Do not get up often
Oral establishment
Respiratory durations as a manifestation
In addition, headache, forgetfulness, impairment of concentration, depression, morning wakefulness and sleeping at an extreme level of sleepiness and fatigue state of the sleep apnea can be observed during the day.

 People with signs of sleep apnea can experience many serious symptoms during the day. Sudden death, stroke, heart attack and heart failure in sleep, difficulty in weight loss if the patient is obese, respiratory failure in pulmonary patients, sexual desire and impotence, and uncontrolled diabetes can be cited as examples. Besides, the sleep apnea can cause traffic and job accidents because it causes continuous lack of fatigue and concentration during daytime.


Movement Disorders in Sleep

It is the most commonly seen Restless Legs syndrome in Movement Disorders.

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a movement disorder associated with sleep. Patients feel the need to move their legs unbearably at night. Symptoms vary from patient to patient. Most patients have difficulty describing their uncomfortable sensations in their legs. It is often described as 'numbness' or 'tingling'. This is a very different histamine from cramps. This feeling of restlessness in the legs is the calf most often. Sitting and lying still increases this unpleasant feeling in the stools. Moving and receiving the legs reduces the complaints temporarily and for a short time. In some patients there are similar unpleasant sensations in the legs and in the corners. While some of the HBS patients' complaints are not constant, others appear every night. For this reason, a lot of patients have a bad sleep. Good sleep can be very tired over the last days. For this reason, their professional and social lives may be disturbed. Daytime sleepiness is only one of the problems of HBS creation. These patients can often be very difficult in car or plane travel. They also have difficulty in cinema, theater and business meetings where they have to sit for a long time in a similar way. HBS can cause anxiety and depression due to poor quality sleep causing it and causing sleep divisions.
The majority of patients with RLS also have a disease called Periodic Leg Movement Disorders in Sleep. When patients are asleep, they frequently twist backwards in the toes. This can be accompanied by joint movement in the form of ankle, knee and hip stretching. Sometimes these movements are described by spouses as throwing or kicking. Periodic leg movements tend to occur at regular intervals. Ranges are usually 20-40 seconds long. They occur more frequently in the first half of the day. Just like HBS, which is a sibling, this disease can also be with the legs and sometimes in the back.
'Periodic Leg Motion Disorder in Sleep' is almost always asleep, unlike HBS. Patients are unaware of this condition, so it is unlikely they will. On the contrary, the HBS's statement occurs during the day, and the legs are voluntarily moved because of unpleasant sensations in the legs.
'Periodic Leg Movement Disorders in Sleep' can significantly degrade sleep quality just like HBS. It can cause short-term wakefulness during sleep. Short-term vigilance that is not recognized by this patient is called 'microarousal'. For this reason, divided and non-restful sleep may occur. Patients can easily become drowsy during the day. Often they sleep while reading newspapers, watching television, working or driving. 'Periodic Leg Motion Disorder in Sleep' can disrupt sleep in wives who share the same bed, not just the patient. These spouses can say that they are kicked all night by the patient. Again, due to the movement of the legs they can open or fall over the bedcover.




Quality Service for Private and Institutional Patients with Automatic CPAP Portable Oxygen Concentrator


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